Instruments & Institutions Interviews
The instruments by which we estimate obesity, bodies, food and physical activity are often taken for granted, and the institutions that contribute to our understandings of obesity and its drivers often sit in the background, but have their own histories and reasons for being. These interviews shed light on both. READ MORE....
Opinion PaPERS
Material objects, performance art or events often inspire animated thought and discussion about a wide range of topics. In this series, various UBVO Fellows, Associates and students are presented with a ‘tool to think’ and an obesity-related topic, and are invited to contribute a short opinion paper linking the two. These papers are indended for a general readership. READ MORE...
Articles of Interest
Articles put out by our Fellows and Associates SEE ARTICLES >
Books of Interest
Books on obesity and related subjects SEE BOOKS>
A monthly podcast from Liron Cohen and Karin Eli SEE PODCASTS>